Sunday, November 21, 2010

OCT - NOV 2010

Wow, two months come and gone, the Halloween month was very full, looking for a place to move into, finding the apt., moving into the apt. all with in 2 weeks..... Then it was un-pack put away, find things or not finding all of the things I thought I had and now don't. Then it was Halloween. What a month and what an adventure !!!
Next thing I knew it was Nov. 2010, crunching the numbers for the budget, then crunching again... it all looks good on paper so I think things will be fine. Work is doing well, still liked by my Boss and trainer and my performance evaluation went better than I thought, all High Mets and lots of support from my Boss.
Thanksgiving is this week so just a few of the many things I am grateful for and have been blessed with would be: a nice job with opportunities to excel. A nice comfortable apt. with a landlord that cares. A loving and supportive family and friends, who allow me to just be me!! Food on the table, heat, lights, a nice car that runs very well. Clothes on my back (thank goodness) a smile on my face and good health. A loving and caring Heavenly Father that has had my back through out my many adventures, and kept me safe. A country that allows for freedoms unlike so many other where it is not allowed. For the changing seasons each year and in my life that have allowed me to grow and become a more caring, loving, supportive and understanding person. A special thanks to my parents for bringing me into their lives, for loving me and being there for me. A special thanks to my sister and brother who also take the time to spend time with me and love me unconditionally. A huge thank you to each one of the children, I am so very lucky that each one of you came into my life, that you love me and care about me and have now added to that warmth in my life with sweet grandchildren. So you see my life is full of so many beautiful things and I am truly blessed. May this Thanksgiving holiday be full of love, joy and memories. Thanks for all the good times:)

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