Sunday, May 31, 2009

A quite sunday afternoon

OK girls, last night was ok, dinner Mexican and we all know how I feel about that and how my tummy feels about that......... so enough said on that topic. The movie was XMen-Wolverine, it was good, not as high intensity as I felt the others were but it was good and helped me to know how the whole thing started, which I have not read anything about the story. So it was a good movie. The company was OK, talked a lot about himself, a lot..... Just friend material so it was a nice evening all in all.
For today, did watering, some cleaning, checked on line for many different things that needed my attention and now blogging then to work on a project that needs my attention. The house is quiet as the rest of the family is gone, which has it nice points but I do miss everyone :)
For those of you that have not heard. I will be taking on a new job with the Canyons School District with in 2 weeks from now. It is an entry level position but the girl that hired me is the director of communications and stated that I will be helping her out a lot with getting the department up and running asap. As we will have from now until August 1st, 2009 to make that happen. I am excited to be back in an HR position and looking forward to learning new things and meeting new people. :) Well, I am off for now and on to my project. Will blog more later. :)

Saturday, May 30, 2009

here's to blogging

say a little prayer for me, cause I will need all the help I can get hehehehe

First Blog Attempt

This is my first time, thanks to Erin for helping me set it up! It's going to be a blast!
I decided to set up a blog to help "journal" my life.'s to blogging!