Wednesday, March 17, 2010

March 2010

I have had some computer problems and now I am pretty sure they are fixed. I am currently working for Canyons School District as a secretary (clerk) It is full of interesting people and lack of plenty of work. I am looking with in the district and also out side of the district to see what other options I may have.

I am living with Amber and her family still and things seem to be doing well for the most part I do not seem to be in their way to often.

I am doing alot of self reflecting and I am not to sure I am totally happy with how things have turned out. I have higher expections of myself and where I am today in my life and I have not accomplished what I would have liked so far.

I have a wonderful family who I am so very proud of and some amazing grandkids, I have my health and my extended family and a few good friends so I guess not all is lost to the world of expections.

I will continue to live with Amber for a few more months before making any changes. For now I am looking at getting my math up to a point where I can finish my associate degree and that is taking alot of mental thought on my part.

I am happy to be a mom and grammie with all the love, joy, hugs and kisses it brings into my life. For tonight life is good.